
Monday, February 3, 2014

Cja/324 Week 5 Summary

Week 5 summary- CJA/324 The final workhebdomad of Ethics in Criminal justice was full of information and tasks to complete. I computable enjoyed learning everything this class taught including the worksheets we completed throughout the course. It was a priggish change from the regular writing assignments. This week focused on victims rights and revenge. Since personal revenge often leads to increased crime, one of the questions asked in our discussion this week was if retribution should be satisfying. Of course avenging doesnt validate a crime but in some cases I personally feel it should be pleasant when the crime is against children or helpless animals. In our learning teams we had to valuate the questions we answered from last weeks assignment and draw a conclusion about how the majority of the team concordd or disagreed. We also had to summarize our opinion on victims rights and how far it has come. As I mentioned in my paper, my current stance on victims rights i s that they be improving tremendously, but are still not one hundred% in the victims favor. We were also asked if the CRVA had been successful for which I debate it had been because of the fix it has had on numerous states to implement the rights of victims and also for victims to be allowed to be present at plea proceedings against their offender. This week we also read about the aggroup SNAP, which is a vigilante group who ascertains the law into their own hands. The question was asked if I agree with their actions and reasons for committing crimes. Unless a person is convicted of a crime they should not be treating different people as though they have been. It is insufferable for them to take matters into their own hands and publically humiliate individual they only when assume is guilty. Reference I found utile this week; http://www.snapnetwork.org/If you want to get a full essay, fall it on our website: OrderCustomPaper. com

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